Bag Filter Housing in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Stainless Steel at Carbon Steel Pricing

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Purifying the Pharmaceutical Industry

When it comes to pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and chemical manufacturing, there is not only a high degree of regulation on the process, but an industry responsibility to supply the purest products for consumption and wear. At Filter Sciences, we create high-quality bag filter housings that exceed industry standards so that you can manufacture the best products.

8- Hazardous Liquids

The Filter Sciences Filter Bag Housing Difference

  • High abrasion resistance
  • High separation and filtration efficiency
  • Chemical resistance
  • Zero fluid loss
  • Zero discharge
  • Resistant to rust and corrosion
  • 304 & 316 In Stock

Allowing For the Creation of Sterile Products

Pharmaceuticals– Filtration is a critical step in the creation of sterile pharmaceutical products including bulk drugs and liquid oral suspensions. In the production of biopharmaceuticals, a five-step filtration process is employed to produce sterile medications that are as chemically pure as possible. To make the process reliable, all of the components in the chain of manufacturing must positively contribute. When a stainless steel bag filter housing system is used, it prevents leaking and corrosion and provides a seal that maintains the sterile integrity of the product within.

Nutraceutical– Because nutraceutical manufacturing falls in the grey area between consumables, that are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and pharmaceuticals, they are subject to a combination of strict requirements and regulations. Quality control procedures, ingredient testing, and safety are paramount. Choosing the right bag filter housing can help ensure that the nutraceuticals that are produced are as pure as they can be.

If your products will be worn or consumed by the public, it is your duty to ensure the entire process maintains the highest integrity standards. Bag filter housing from Filter Sciences offers assurance and reliability that helps you create safe, sterile products you can be proud to offer the public. Our bag filter housing systems are assembled in the United States and are in stock, ready to ship. Contact us for your free quote today.

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