Filtration is incredibly important to remove debris and other impurities from fluids that you need to use in an industrial setting. Filters like those produced by Filter Sciences are used in oil and gas, metalworking, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and many more industries.
Bag filters and filter casings can be used in a variety of settings, from food processing to chemical plants. This makes them a great option for a wide range of industrial operations.
Ease Of Use
Bag filters require little maintenance and can be easily replaced when needed. This can help to keep costs down while still providing a high level of filtration. The filter itself can be made of many different types of material and with different micron ratings to filter exactly as much as your industry requires. They can also be washed and reused to reduce the amount of waste that other filters might produce.
Filter Sciences provides bag housing units for a variety of applications, from single-bag housings all the way up to 12-bag housings. This means that you can have as much or as little filtering capacity as is necessary for the volume of fluid that you need to be filtered. Single bag housings have the added versatility of being able to be added to existing systems and handle the capacity of multiple bag housing. This means that as a system expands you can append new single filters without needing to fully replace old filter housings.
Filter Sciences’ industrial bag filter housing units are designed to provide reliable and efficient filtration for a variety of industrial applications. They are designed to be easy to install and maintain, and they are designed to provide a high degree of filtration efficiency and performance. The units are also designed to be corrosion-resistant and durable using high-quality stainless steel, making them ideal for use in high-pressure and corrosive environments.
Get a quote today on your choice of filtration.
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