Pall FSI Has Discontinued Their Bag Filter Housings Line
What does Pall FSI's Discontinuation Mean For You?
Pall FSI has discontinued their Bag and Cartridge Filter Housings product line effective Dec, 31st 2020. See their press release here. This has left companies using their product line reeling to find suitable equivalents. At Filter Sciences Incorporated (FSI) we have most bag filter housings in stock and ready to ship. From single bag units all the way up to 12 bag housing units. We also take custom orders for larger bag filter housing units.
Pall FSI Discontinued Products
For over 35 years, Filter Sciences Incorporated (FSI) has been providing clients with top of the line, stainless steel bag filter housing units and exceptional service. Our lean manufacturing processes has enabled us to sell our stainless bag housings for an equivalent price to what our competitors are selling carbon steel.