News & Press

Bag Filtration in Oil Production; Upstream, Midstream & Downstream

Bag filtration plays a crucial role in oil production across the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors by ensuring the cleanliness of fluids and protecting equipment. Here’s how they are used in each stage: 1. Upstream (Exploration and Production): 2. Midstream (Transportation and Storage): 3. Downstream (Refining and Processing): In summary, bag filters are essential for…


Pre-commissioning Piping

Pre-commissioning of piping refers to the series of activities and procedures undertaken before a piping system is put into operation. These activities are crucial to ensure that the piping system is installed correctly, functions properly, and is safe for operation. Bag filtration is the preferred method to remove particulate, debris, dirt, rust, mill scale and…


FSI Ramping Up Production to Meet Demand

At Filter Sciences our production continues to ramp up to meet demand. Strong demand for both 304 & 316 Stainless Bag Housings (filter pots, filter vessels, filter pods) continues to grow in multiple industries. Our commitment to have inventory on hand is and always will be a priority at FSI. Most all our Bag Housings…


What is the unit of measurement called a MICRON?

A micron, also known as a micrometer, is a unit of measurement equal to one millionth of a meter. To put this into perspective, a human hair is typically around 50 to 100 microns in diameter. This means that a micron is incredibly small, making it useful for measuring very fine particles or features. In…


Enhancing Cooling Tower Efficiency with Bag Filtration for Industrial Water

Cooling towers are essential components in various industrial processes, from power generation to manufacturing. They help regulate temperature by removing heat from systems, ensuring optimal performance and preventing overheating. However, the efficiency and longevity of cooling towers can be compromised by contaminants such as dirt, debris, and biological growth. This is where industrial water filtration…


EPA Requirements for Water Filtration in Fracking and the Vital Role of Bag Filtration

EPA Requirements The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established various guidelines and regulations to mitigate the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, particularly focusing on water quality and safety. The key EPA regulations related to water management in fracking include: Water Acquisition: This involves the withdrawal of large volumes of groundwater or…


Tesla, Improves Quality with Filter Sciences

“Filter Sciences Manufacturers Custom Solution for Tesla”. Tesla looked to improve the quality in their Pre-treat and E-coat processes prior to paint. Filter Sciences designed and manufactured a custom bag filter housing solution. Removing particulate down to the micron level improved adhesion and overall paint quality. Our full- service solutions and field expertise helped identify…

Filter bag housing, Filter pots, filter pods, bag filter vessel

Salt Water Disposal Well Filtration

“For every barrel of oil produced an average of 3 to 5 barrels of water is consumed”. A salt water disposal well is a disposal site for water produced as a result of the oil and gas extraction process. Produced water, also referred to as salt water, contains particulate which can cause problems for the…


Bag Filters over Cartridge Filters

1. COST – The cost of replacing the filter media is one aspect; others include frequency of replacement and waste disposal cost. The frequency of replacement addresses not only the annual units of media to be purchased but also the number of interactions personnel have accessing the vessel and exposing themselves to the fluid, so…


What Size Filter Bag Housing Do I Need?

Choosing the correct size filter bag housing is an essential part of ensuring optimal filtration in industrial applications. Filter Sciences specializes in supplying top-of-the-line commercial-grade water filters, including filter bag housings. In this blog post, we will explain the factors that need to be taken into account when determining the ideal size filter bag housing…


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